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Naklo, Slovenia 6th of October 2017

After the final Conference, for the last time, project partners met together to discuss the final tasks and activities concerning project successful conclusion. 

Partners agreed with the final work on the project intellectual outputs/results, the obligations and reporting conditions, project documentation, dissemination activities and management issues. They all agreed that they produced high quality teaching and learning material, built 6 living walls as teaching/learning units at the school centres, succeed with implementation of the innovative contents in the field of living walls into formal educational programs/ informal courses etc. and spreading the idea of the importance of the green infrastructure widely in their local environment.

The effect of the great collaboration in Vertical Plant Life project is  the planning of another common project work in the future.


Naklo, Slovenia 5th of October 2017

The programme of the conference included the presentation of the project and its results in the field of education and training for the process of the maintaining and building of living walls, key-speakers, representatives from enterprises and on-the-spot presentation of interior and exterior living walls at Biotechnical Centre Naklo. The experts presented and commented their opinions in an organized discussion, answered the questions and made the importance of green infrastructure in the form of round table discussion.

Please find the agenda, speakers background and conference contributions on the link below:


Groningen 14th-15th February 2017

4th transnational project meeting took place at Terra MBO. Partners discussed the project results, the process of results development and results implementation. School centres BC Naklo, Terra MBO and Hadlow Colleg presented the implementation of the pilot testing of the new module Vertical Gardening and the work with the project materials developed within the projects and transfer of the project results in a daily work of the teachers and school. With great proud, Terra MBO showed both living walls to the partners and explain the way of involving students and teachers in maintenance of both walls as part of practical learning of the module. Partners exchanged experiences and they were looking for solutions for the best performance of the module Vertical gardening.

Partners also discussed about the importance of the dissemination of the project, its objectives, results and project influence on students, teachers, local environment and other stakeholders. University of Greenwich share their experience with organization of the multiplier event the conference  Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Living: Creating Jobs Through Education.


Groningen 9th-10th of May 2016

In first day Botehniški center Naklo presented to partners draft version of Catalogue of knowledge (teaching plan) for implementation of new developed module Vertical Plant Life for the students

Joint overview and discussion led to parallel development of the implementation plan and draft version of the Catalogue.

What is the most important is that partners defined four learning units and content within them:

- Introduction to vertical greening systems,

- Installation of vertical greening systems,

- Plants for vertical greening systems,

- Maintenance of vertical greening systems

Partners also defined assessment criteria and assessment methods for students. After that partners decided which is the best solution to design the “moodle” platform within Output 4. Humko and Terra presented Moddle and Joomla platforms. Partners discussed alternative possibilities to use “moodles”/platforms that they already use for their lectures for students. Partners choose the Joomla application for the last intellectual output


Greenwich, 4th till 8th April 2016

Project Vertical Plant Life has developed 40 hours training based on identified skills and knowledge required for proper qualified force working in the field of horticulture.

Training took place at University of Greenwich. It contains lectures, living wall walking tour to some of London’s public spaces, connecting living walls to green infrastructure and EU policy for clean air, well being etc.

The first day experts from university Sarah Milliken and Shelley Mosco (Department of Architecture and Landscape) and Tomaž Čufer, director of Humko company from Slovenia had lectures of green infrastructure benefits, public planning, different green wall systems, materials and practices.

First presentation ‘Overview of green infrastructure, planning and ecosystem services’  gave to participant of training an insight in the field of public planning of green infrastructure, the effect of green infrastructure in the cities and what are the benefits in greening the cities. Second and third presentations included green wall plants, different green wall systems and wall maintance.

Participants visited most popular London green walls and discussed the good and the bad side of each one.

During Scotscape visit employees presented the group green wall systems, trial garden and moss wall. Company has 30-years history and works on the many green walls projects.

The main content of the teachers’ training:

1.      Green infrastructure, planning and ecosystem services

2.      Various living wall systems

3.      Plant selection for living walls

4.      Living wall installation

5.      Living wall maintenance

6.      Health benefits of living walls

7.      Living walls – some practical issues

8.      What’s happening in academia in the field of living walls

9.      Field: ‘Contextual tour’ to some London’s public spaces, connecting living walls to green infrastructure and EU policy for clean air, wall-being etc.


Link to presentations:


Greenwich, 4th of April 2016

The transnational project meeting took place at University of Greenwich at Stockwell Street Campus, U.K. April 4, 2016. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the tasks fulfilment, the next tasks to be carried out, administrative and financial aspects and dissemination activities. Project coordinator presented dissemination plan and  guide that was prepared for the guidance of partnership for planned process that should be carefully consideret all alon project duration and assure its sustainability.


At this meeting partners concentrated on e-learning platform – one of the project intellectual output. They talked about most appropriate solution and user-friendly application. E-learning platform structure will stimulate students and other users with visual objects like photos, sketches, videos, templates, presentations and examples of good practices. In that way, the content in the field of green architecture and green walls will be more interesting. This project result will be used for new developed VET module – Vertical Plant Life with students at three partners’ VET centres: Biotehniški center Naklo (SI), Terra (NL) and Hadlow College.


Strahinj, 22. januar 2016

V januarju 2016  je Biotehniški center Naklo pridobil nov učni pripomoček notranjo zeleno s v okviru projekta Vertical Plant Life.

Učni pripomoček bodo dijaki, študenti in ostali udeleženci izobraževanj uporabljali pri usposabljanju s področja postavitve in vzdrževanja vertikalnih vrtov.
Učna zelena stena je narejena iz rastnih panelov Humko – Soft Shell slovenskega podjetja Humko d.o.o. Zadnji del panelov je napolnjen s kameno volno. V sprednjem delu so rastline posajene v mineralni substrat. Zalivanje je urejeno preko povratnega namakalnega sistema z avtomatskim dognojevanjem in dopolnjevanjem vode. Zelena stena je zasajena s spatifili, flamingovci, praprotmi, peperomiami, pileami, krotoni, z dracenami in difenbahijami.

Glavni namen projekta Vertical Plant Life je osveščanje o pomenu ozelenjevanja urbanih okolij in zagotavljanje profesionalnega pristopa pri uresničevanju zahtev zelene arhitekture prek ustreznega izobraževanja. V okviru projekta bodo razvite vsebine novega strokovnega modula za dijake/študente in strokovno usposabljanje učiteljev s področja urbane hortikulture. 

Strokovni modul bo omogočal pridobitev posebnih t.i. zelenih znanj in spretnosti, ki so tako v Evropi, kot drugod po svetu zelo iskana.
Vsa učna gradiva in rezultati projekta bodo objavljena na spletnih straneh partnerskih organizacij in posebni e-platformi.

Uradna otvoritev stene je bila 21.1.2016 na ponovoletnem sprejemu za poslovne partnerje in medije.


Uradno so trak prerezali dr. Marijan Pogačnik, Irena Gril, Tomaž Čufar in Martina Kramarič.

Isti dan je Tomaž Čufer, direktor podjetja Humko d.o.o. predaval na temo »Urbano vrtnarstvo kot priložnost hortikulture« in predstavil področje zelenih sten, ki se v zadnjih desetih letih v svetu močno razvija.


-Gorenjski glas,petek,22. januar 2016,stran 6

-Pop tv,21.1. ob 17:00

-Kanal A,22.1. svet to 18:00

-RTC SLO- Dnevnik

-RTV,21.1. ob 19:00,22.1. ob 13:00,17:00,19:00

- + Objava na Radiu

- + Objave na Radiu : 21.1. OB 13:00 in 14:00,22.1. ob 8:00 in 9:00,23.1. ob 13:00 in ob 14:00,24.1. ob 8:00 in 9:00

- + Objava na Radiu1,20.1.


-Spletna stran Družina :

-Spletna stran ORF :


Strahinj, Naklo, 15th-16th of October 2015

Partners of new ERASMUS+ project Vertical Plant Life met for the first time. Meeting took place at Biotehniški center Naklo. The meeting officially started with the welcome on October 15, 2016.

First day partners presented institutions, their experiences and expectations, suggested ideas and expressed willingness for cooperation.

Project coordinator invited representatives from the Slovenian National Agency CMEPIUS Maja Godejša and Ana Stanovnik Perčič, who presented Erasmus+ Programme, general terms, conditions and financial issues and got general insight in partnership.

Project coordinator reviewed the project Application form with partners, defined timeline and discussed partner’s roles.

At the end of first day, the representative of the Slovenian Institute for Vocational education and Training Barbara Kunčič Krapež presented ECVET – European transparency and recognition tool in VET.

The second day, 16th of October, partners overviewed the Partner Contract and Grant Agreement. Afterwards the organizational issues of the project were presented. Partners discussed about tasks and project dissemination, shared ideas and contributed to the issue.

Mr. Tomaž Čufer from company Humko presented the concept of vertical green walls.

Partners visited the capital Ljubljana and two concrete green walls were presented to them. First day was concluded with guided city walk. Good team spirit was created among the partners.