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Projektni sestanki

PRVI PROJEKTNI SESTANEK – Tenerife (Španija), 1. 5. – 6. 5. 2014

Prvi projektni sestanek je potekal med 1. in 6. majem na otoku Tenerife (Španija). Organizator sestanka je bil španski partner (CEAD Santa Cruz de Tenerife Mercedez Pinto ).

Na projektnem sestanku smo se s partnerji dogovorili o vseh pomembnih korakih za uresničitev projektne ideje. Porazdelili smo si konkretne naloge in jih časovno opredelili. Sprejeli smo priročnik za kakovostno vodenje projekta in izpeljali fotografski tečaj. V času sestanka smo imeli tudi možnost spoznati rastline, ki so pogosto uporabljene pri zunanjih zasaditvah na otoku ter primerjali načine oz. pristope krajinskega vrtnarstva med državami partnericami.

Obiskali smo Palmetum – botanični vrt z največjo kolekcijo palm v Evropski uniji. V parku z imenom Garcia Sanabria Park smo si imeli priložnost ogledati razstavo svetja in rastlin. V mestu Puerto de la Cruz smo obiskali botanični vrt, kjer je bogata zbirka tropskih in subtropskih drevnin in cvetja. Z vidika rastlinstva je bil zanimiv tudi pohod na El Teide, najvišjo goro v Španiji, ki je hkrati ognjenik. O izobraževanju s področja vrtnarstva in kmetijstva ter rastlinstvu pa smo veliko izvedeli na obisku šole »Escuela de Capacitacion Agraria«  mestu Tacaronte.

FIRST PROJECT MEETING – Tenerife (Spain), 1. 5. – 6. 5. 2014

The first project meeting was held between 1. and 6. May on the island Tenerife (Spain). The organizer of the meeting was a Spanish partner (CEAD Santa Cruz de Tenerife Mercedez Pinto).

During the project meeting partners agreed on all importants steps for the realization of project idea. We have set the tasks for each partner and decided about the deadline of realisation. We have accepted a quality management handbook of the project and carried out the photography course. By the time of the meeting we ha dan opportunity to learn about plants that are often used for outdoor plantings on the island and compare the ways and approaches to landscape gardening among partner countries. 

We visited Palmetum – botanical garden with the largest collection of palms in the EU. In the park named Garcia Sanabria Park we have had the opportunity to see an exhibition of flowers and plants. In the town of Puerto de la Cruz, we visited the botanical Garden with a rich collection of tropical and sub-tropical trees and flowers. In terms of vegetation it was also very interesting hiking to El Teide, the highest mountain in Spain which is also volcano. On the last day we visited a school »Escuela de Capacitacion agraria« in Tacoronte and we learned a lot about education in the field of horticulture and agriculture and also about plants and trees that are grown in this area.

Poročilo o prvem projektnem sestanku/kick off meeting report.


DRUGI PROJEKTNI SESTANEK – Moelv (Norveška), 26. 4. – 30. 4. 2015

Drugi projektni sestanek je potekal med 26. in 30. aprilom v kraju Moelv (Norveška). Organizator sestanka je bil norveški partner (Vea – statens fagskole for gartnere og blomsterdekoratorer).

Na projektnem sestanku smo partnerji predstavili svoje delo na projektu DONE od zadnjega sestanka v Španiji. Španski partnerji so predstavili logo, ki so ga izdelali skupaj s študenti. Skupaj smo pregledali katalog okrasnih lesnatih rastlin in ugotavljali, kakšne nadaljnje adaptacije bodo potrebne. Pogovarjali smo se o načinu opisovanja rastlin in ugotovili, katere opisne kategorije bi še lahko dodali v spletni katalog. Pogovarjali smo se tudi o izpeljavi evalvacije kataloga in izdelali evalvacisjki vprašalnik, ki ga bodo po adaptacijah kataloga rešili bodoči uporabniki spletnega kataloga (dijaki, študenti).

Med obiskom Norveške smi si ogledali Veldre – cottage in a treetop - gre za idilične hišice na drevesih, ki se nahajajo v kraju Ringsaker (med Hamarjem in Lillehamarjem). Obiskali smo tudi idiličen otok Helgoja, v srcu regije Mjosaregion in občudovali lepo pokrajino. Otok je namreč znan po stari kmetiji in čudovitih zgodovinskih vrtovih, ki smo si jih lahko pobližje ogledali.

SECOND PROJECT MEETING – Moelv (Norway), 26. 4. – 30. 4. 2015

The second project meeting was held between 26 and 30 April in the town Moelv (Norway). The organizer of the meeting was a Norwegian parter (Vea - statens fagskole for gartnere og blomsterdekoratorer).

During the project meeting each partner presented it's work on the project DONE since the last meeting in Spain. Spanish partner presented the logo, which was created together with the students. Together we reviewed e-catalogue of ornamental woody plants and identify what further adaptations will be needed. We talked about how to describe the plants and determine which descriptive category would be added to the online catalogue. We also disscused about the procedures of evaluation of the e-catalogue and made evaluation questionnaire, which will be, after the adaptation of the catalogue, given to pupils and students who are final users of the catalogue.

During the visit we were able to see Veldre – cottage in a treetop - an idyllic cottages on trees located in the town called Ringsaker (between Hammar and Lillehamar). We also visited the idyllic island Helgoja in the hearth of region Mjosaregion and admire the beautiful scenery. The island is known for old farms and beautiful historic gardens. 

Poročilo o drugem projektnem sestanku/Second meeting report. 


TRETJI PROJEKTNI SESTANEK – Naklo (Slovenija), 30. 9. – 2. 10. 2015

Tretji projektni sestanek je potekal v Naklem, Slovenija. Organizator sestanka je bil Biotehniški center Naklo.

Na sestanku je vsak partner predstavil svoje delo na projektu od našega zadnjega srečanja na Norveškem. Pregledali smo izpolnitev zadanih ciljev in se pogovorili še o zadnjih podrobnostih, ki se tičejo projekta.  Slovenski partner je predstavil izpeljano evalvacijo spletnega kataloga okrasnih lesnatih rastlin – e-planting in rezultate evalvacije. Le-ta je bila izvedena v mesecu septembru 2015 med dijaki hortikulturnih programov. Na sestanku smo obravnavali tudi enega pomembnejših ciljev projekta – diseminaciji rezultatov. Ugotavljali smo, kaj smo v smeri širjenja rezultatov projekta že naredili in kaj bo vsak od partnerjev še naredil v okviru svoje institucije in širše. Zadnji dan projekta pa smo imeli možnost naše rezultate tudi predstaviti širši javnosti na mednarodnem festivalu Ko učim gradim, kjer smo se predstavljali v sekciji Inovativni pristopi k poučevanju. Prav tako smo se tekom projektnega sestanka pogovarjali o tem, kako zagotoviti, da bo spletni katalog ostal nek trajen produkt, ki se bo tudi po koncu projekta še dopolnjeval in razvijal. Pogovarjali smo se o možnih nadgradnjah kataloga in se dogovorili, da bomo poskušali skupaj pripraviti nov projekt, ki nam bo s finančno podporo to tudi omogočil.

V okviru projektnega sestanka smo si ogledali tudi posestvo Biotehniškega centra Naklo, Arboretum Volčji potok kot enega najbolj obiskanih krajinskih parkov v Sloveniji, kjer na 80 hektarih uspeva 3.500 taksonov rastlin, kar arboretsko zbirko uvršča med najbogatejše tovrstne zbirke v Srednji Evropi. Obiskali smo tudi Garden village na Bledu. Gre za zeleni, ekološko orientirani resort, z inovativnimi možnostmi bivanja (npr. hišice na drevesih, manjši šotori in »glamping« šotori), svojim rastlinjakom, zeliščnimi in zelenjavnimi vrtovi in sadnim drevjem.


THIRD PROJECT MEETING – Naklo (Slovenia), 30. 9. – 2. 10. 2015

Third project meeting was held in Naklo, Slovenia, between 30. 9. and 2. 10. It was organized by Slovenian partner, Biotehnical centre Naklo.

During the meeting each partner presented it's work on the project since the last meeting in Norway. We reviewed the fulfillment of the goals set in the last meeting and talk about certain details concerning our project. Slovenian partner presented the evaluation of the e-catalogue and the results of the evaluation which has been done in September 2015 among pupils in two classes of horticulture in Biotehnical centre Naklo. During the meeting we have also discussed about an important goal – dissemination of project results. We found out what has been done so far with regard to dissemination of project results and what each partner can do inside it's institution and wider. On the last day of our project meeting we had a chance to present our project results (e-planting catalogue of ornamental woody plants) to a wider audience participating in a festival »To learn is to build«. We presented our project in the section Innovative approaches to teaching. During the meeting we also talked about how to make sure that the e-catalogue stays a sustainable product, which will also when the project is finished be continuously supplemented and developed. We talked about possible upgrade of the e-catalogue and agree that we will try to apply for another NFM project (or other) in order to get the financial support.

During the meeting we visited Arboretum Volčji potok which is the most visited horticultural facility in Slovenia where on 80 hectare you can find around 3.500 taxa of plants which ranks the collection  of plants among the richest collection of its kind in Central Europe. We also visited Garden village in Bled. It's a green, ecologically oriented resort with innovative options for accommodation (tree houses, tents, glamping tents). The resort has its own greenhouse, herb and vegetable gardens and fruit trees. 

Poročilo o tretjem projektnem sestanku/Third meeting report.