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Program Vseživljenjsko učenje / podprogram Grundtvig/

Akcija Grundtvig delavnice


Akcija omogoča učečim se odraslim sodelovanje na delavnicah, ki se odvijajo v drugi državi članici, ki sodeluje v programu Vseživljenjsko učenje. 

Grundtvig delavnice združujejo posameznike ali majhne skupine učencev iz več držav zaradi inovativne mednarodne učne izkušnje, ki je pomembna za njihov osebni razvoj in učne potrebe. Učeče se odrasle se spodbuja k aktivni delitvi lastnih kompetenc in znanja z drugimi.


Delavnice potekajo od 5 do 10  dni. Vanje je vključenih najmanj 10 in največ 20 udeležencev. Udeleženci morajo prihajati iz vsaj 3 različnih tujih držav.


Državljani države (Slovenija), kjer se delavnica odvija, so upravičeni do brezplačne udeležbe na delavnicah, vendar prevoz in bivanje nista financirana v okviru Grundtviga.


Organizator delavnice (Biotehniški center Naklo) je odgovoren za organizacijo delavnice, oglaševanje, vodenje udeležencev ter za stroške prevoza in bivanja tujih udeležencev. Za tuje udeležence, ki se udeležijo delavnice, velja prepoved udeležbe na drugi Grundtvig delavnici za obdobje 3-let. Ta prepoved ne velja za udeležence delavnice iz Slovenije.


Life Long Learning Programme/ Grundtvig programme

Action Grundtvig Workshop

The objective of this action is to enable adult learners to participate in Workshops (learning events and seminars) taking place in another European country participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme.

This is a form of individual mobility offered to adult learners in the Lifelong Learning Programme. The Grundtvig Workshops brings together individuals or small groups of learners from several countries for a multinational learning experience relevant to their personal development and learning needs.


A minimum of 10 up to a maximum of 20 learners in total from countries other than that in which the Workshop is being organised, can be funded. Workshops will last a minimum of 5 days (excluding travel), up to maximum 10 days and take place between 1/9/2011 and 31/8/2012.


The Workshops are open to any adult citizen who is permanently residing (or is registered as refugee or asylum-seeker) in one of the Programme countries, namely: the 27 Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway (EFTA-EEA countries) and Turkey (candidate country). Participants must come from at least three different participating countries, in addition to the host country.

Citizens of the country (Slovenia) where the workshop takes place are eligible to participate in the workshop but cannot be funded through Grundtvig. The Workshop Organiser is responsible for organising the Workshop, its advertisement, the recruitment of learners, their travel and appropriate board and lodging.

Adult learners who attend Grundtvig workshops can’t participate in another Grundtvig workshop for a period of 3-years. This does not apply to workshop participants from Slovenia.