Med ljudmi okoli Šmarne gore je še vedno živa stara legenda o vdoru Turkov v našo deželo. Okoličani so takrat našli zatočišče na Šmarni gori. Na slovenskem ozemlju je v 15. stoletju živelo pol milijona ljudi in Turki naj bi takrat ubili ali odpeljali kar 200.000. Leta 1471, 1475 in 1477 je turška vojska plenila okolici Ljubljane. Nobenega dokaza ni, da so Turki prišli na vrh Šmarne gore. Morda pa so si naredili poljsko kuhinjo na delu pobočja, ki ga danes imenujemo Kuhnja. Legenda pravi, da so se namenili proti vrhu, a jih je angel ustavil. V trenutku se je nebo stemnilo in sledila je strašna nevihta. Pojavil se je mož v bleščeče belem oblačilu z ognjenim mečem. Prestrašeni Turki so zbežali.
Podobna zgodba pripoveduje, da je puščavnih ustavil napredujoče Turke. Na njegovo željo se je zemlja s truščem razprla in pogoltnila Turke. Še ena zgodba pripovedje, kako so se Turki spremenili v skale, ki še danes ležijo naokoli. Vse te zgodbe imajo na koncu čudežno rešitev, ki je morda bila na soboto ob 11.30. Zaradi tega dogodka so posvetili kapelo na vrhu Sveti Soboti. V spomin na to čudežno rešitev zvoni na Šmarni gori že ob pol dvanajstih.
People who live around Smarna gora mountain still know the old legend about Turkish raids. At that times nearby people found a refugee on the mountain. In the 15th century on Slovene territories lived approximately half-a-million people and the Turks killed, rounded up and drive away some two-hundred thousand people. In 1471, 1475 in 1477 Turkish army plundered around Ljubljana. There is no evidence that they made their way up to the summit of Smarna gora. They made their camp kitchen on the part of the hill which is to this day known as Kuhnja (a word meaning »kitchen« in the Slovene language). Legend has it they were heading towards the top, but were stopped by angel; suddenly the sky turned black and a terrible storm ensued. Then there appeared a man in gleaming white with a sword of fire. Scared Turks ran away.
A similar story recounts that it was a hermit who stopped the advancing Turks. On his wish the ground opened thunderously and swallowed up the Turks. Yet another tales recalls how the Turks were turned into the rocks which lie all around the place. All these stories have at their core salvation by way of miraculous intervention, which supposedly took place on a Saturday at half-past eleven. Due to this event, a chapel consecrated to the Holy Saturday was erected. To memorize these miraculous salvations the bells on Smarna gora ring at half-past eleven.