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Srednjeveški plesi




Plesna skupina Lonca se ukvarja z obujanjem starih plesov. Oblečeni so bili v lepa srednjeveška oblačila. Prikazali so več plesov:

BRANDLE – skupno ime za francoske plese

COUNTRY DANCE – angleški podeželski plesi

BASSA DANZA ALI NIZKI PLES – počasen italijanski ples


Ker so si plesi različni, je tudi število oseb, ki nastopa, različno. Nekateri plesi so skupinski. V takih plesih se plesalci primejo za roke in plešejo v krogu. V nekaterih plesih plešejo skupaj trije plesalci, en moški in dve ženski. Moški pleše na sredini, ob njem pa sta nato dve ženski. Držijo se z mezinci. Plešejo pa tudi v parih. 


Brigita Dolšak, Mateja Rehberger, 2.E







The dance group Lonca deals with resuscitation of old dances. They were wearing beautiful medieval clothes. More dances were shown:

BRANDLE – collective name for French dances

COUNTRY DANCE – English country dances

BASSA DANZA OR LOW DANCE – slow Italian dance


These dances are different and the number of dancers is different. Some of them are group dances where dancers hold their hands and dance in the circle. In others there are three dancers together, one man and two women. The man is in the middle and they hold with their small fingers. They also dance in pairs.



Brigita Dolšak, Mateja Rehberger, 2.E