V Škofji Loki smo se udeležili delavnice izdelave usnjenih mošnjičkov. Izdela se jih zelo preprosto. Rabimo le kos usnja, luknjač in škarje. Najprej izrežemo obliko mošnjička, nato pa še trakec s katerim bomo mošnjiček povezali. Nato naredimo luknje na usnju. Pri tem moramo paziti, da se luknje na obeh kosih usnja ujemajo. Potem s trakom gremo skozi in na začetku ter na koncu naredimo vozel. Da se mošnjiček zapre naredimo usnjen gumb. Mošnjiček nam lahko služi kot denarnica za prihajajoče euro kovance.
Aleš Volčič, 1.Č
We took part in a workshop of small leather bags manufacturing. It is not a difficult task. You need a piece of leather, a punch and scissors. At first, you cut out the shape of the small bag and a ribbon to tie up the bag. Then you make holes on the both leather pieces and they have to match. At the end you put the ribbon through the bag, tie a knot and make a leather button to close the small bag. It can be used as a purse for euro coins.
Ales Volcic, 1.C