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Zgodovina srednjeveškega Kranja



7. stoletje

Ime naselbine Carnium nam prvič posreduje neznani ravenski kozmograf.


Omenjena je trgovska pot Via Chreinariorum.


Prvič se omenja ime kraja Creina v briksenških tradicijskih listinah.

10. stoletje

Kranj je bil sedež prafare, vojaško in upravno središče dežele Kranjske.

12. stoletje

Grofje Andeški so postali namestniki mejnega grofa na Kranjskem. Sedež so imeli v Kamniku. Bili so ustanovitelji mesta. Mesto je od njih dobilo mestne pravice (različne privilegije) in grb (reč orel na modrem polju).

13. in 14. stoletje

Mesto so sestavljali

- občina (srenja) meščanov,

- mestni svet,

- mestni sodnik.

Mesto je imelo svojo samoupravo.

18. junij 1256

Listina z datumom 18. junij 1256, v kateri je koroški vojvoda Ulrik III Španhajmski podelil Ortenburžanoma, grofoma Henriku in Frideriku, zemljišče za utrdbo, prvič omenja mesto Kranj (civitate Chreinburch)

14. stoletje

Kranj je bil pod oblastjo Habzburžanov, ki so mesto dajali v zastavo različnim fevdalcem, med drugim tudi Celjskim grofom.




7th century

Historical records indicate that Kranj began to develop as a true medieval town.  


A well known trade route, the Via Chreinariorum, is known to have existed.


The name of the settlement Crein is first mentioned in 1060 in the deeds of Brixen.

10th century

The town Kranj was the military and administrative centre of the province and the seat of the margrave. It was the seat of the 10th-century parish.

12th century

In the second half of the 12th century, the counts of Andechs became deputies of the Carniolan margraves. Their seat of their estate was Kamnik. They are the founders of the town, to which they awarded various privileges in the form of town rights and a coat-of-arms (a red eagle on a blue field).

13th and  14th century

Medieval town had institutions of self-government, such as

-         the assembly of town residents,

-         the town council and the

      -     town judge.

18th June 1256

The town of Kranj (Lat. civitate Chreinburch) is first mentioned in a document dated 18 June 1256 written in Villach, in which the Carinthian duke Ulrich III of Spanheim awarded the counts Henry and Frederick of Ortenburg land to build a fortified outpost.

14th century

At that time Kranj was the property of the Habsburgs and was ruled on their behalf by various feudal lords, including the counts of Celje.