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Kranj 26.10.06

Povezava na predstavitev Kranja






26. OKTOBER 2006, 14.00 DO 16.30 URE


Pod vodstvom kustosinje Gorenjskega muzeja smo si najprej ogledali mesto Kranj (pred kratkim smo ga obiskovali vsak dan, saj smo tam imeli šolske prostore), tokrat skozi srednjeveški čas.

Samih ostankov stavb iz srednjega veka v Kranju ni, razen obrambnih stolpov na Pungratu in obrambnega zidu iz 15. stoletja, ki sta varovala mesto. Zanimivo pa je menjavanje gospodarjev tega ozemlja (od Bizantincev do Langobardov in Slovanov). Sredi 12. stoletja so lastniki postali grofje Andeški, ki so v 13. stoletju mesto Kranj tudi ustanovili – v letu 2006 praznujemo 750 let mesta Kranja. V Gorenjskem muzeju so ob tem jubileju pripravili tematsko razstavo In civitate Chreinburch, ki smo si jo tudi ogledali. Mesto je v srednjem veku slovelo predvsem kot sejemsko mesto.


-         spoznavanje srednjeveških ostankov v mestu Kranj

-         spoznavanje zgodovine Kranja in življenja meščanov

-         dijaki izdelajo zbirko fotografij.


Učitelji: Bernarda Božnar, Maruša Korelc, Marjeta Vovk

26 dijakov


Marjana Žibert, višja kustodinja

Saša Jeraj, vodička


Dejavnost je finančno podprla Evropska komisija preko Agencije Socrates.





26th October 2006, from 14.00 to 16.30


We toke a tour around the Kranj town (we used to visit this town every day because one of the school building was situated there) through the medieval time this time.

There are no remains of buildings from medieval time except the tours for defense on Pungrat and walls for defense built in 15th century which protected the town.

But the interesting thing was changing of the masters of this territory (from Bizantinians to Langobards and Slovanians). In the mid 12th century the owners of the town were Counts Andeški established the town Kranj – we celebrate 750 years of Kranj in 2006. Regional Museum presented exhibition In civitate Chreinburch. The author of the exhibition Marjana Žibert explained us how the town looked like 750 years ago. Kranj was known as trade town.


-         Getting familiar with medieval remains in Kranj;

-         Getting familiar with town history;

-         Students prepare photo collection.


Teachers: Bernarda Božnar, Maruša Korelc, Marjeta Vovk

26 students


Marjana Žibert, curator of museum

Saša Jeraj, tourist guide


This activity has been made possible by the European Commission financial support through Socrates Agency.